Thursday, June 22, 2006

Koh Phangan with Scott

Koh Phangan again! I have been to this island twice I suppose you could say...third time lucky!!!
I arrived a couple of hours earlier then Scott so I hired a scooter and met him when he got off the boat. I was really surprised to see that he walked off the boat with one of danish friends..small world.
So besides all of the butterflies in my belly things went alright between Scotty too hottie and me.
This entry is just photos of Scott..he is basically the only thing I took photos of..oh well.
Scott needed to do a border run to update his visa for Thailand, so we decided to go to romance :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pen
Finally got on to see what Scott actually looks like!! Good work - can't wait to catch up with him and you of course in the next week or so.... also thought a comment wouldn't go astray ... seems everyone is too slack to put any on after looking at all your photos.
love Bin xx