Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cameron Highland, Malaysia

Track 9A

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Petronas Towers - largest buildings in the world.

Penang, Malaysia

I was so excited to go to Penang. I don't know how many times I have done Bills Of Lading stating final destination Penang, Malaysia.
So doing the barge crossing was pretty cool...not like I was thinking of work though..hahaha.
We stayed in Georgetown which is on the east coast, only stayed for one night though. I didn't get a good feel for the place but hey there is always next time.

Koh Phangan with Scott

Koh Phangan again! I have been to this island twice I suppose you could say...third time lucky!!!
I arrived a couple of hours earlier then Scott so I hired a scooter and met him when he got off the boat. I was really surprised to see that he walked off the boat with one of danish friends..small world.
So besides all of the butterflies in my belly things went alright between Scotty too hottie and me.
This entry is just photos of Scott..he is basically the only thing I took photos of..oh well.
Scott needed to do a border run to update his visa for Thailand, so we decided to go to romance :-)

Bangkok to Koh Samui

I am now travelling to Koh Phangan for the full moon party on the 11th June to meet up with Scott, a guy I met 3 months ago in Tokyo. I have to fly to Koh Samui and then catch a boat to Koh Phangan. Whilst I was in Bangkok, I was fortunate enough to witness some of the festivities for the Kings 60th year of accession. It was totally amazing. The Thai King is so much admired by his people, they were all wearing t-shirts saying ' long live the king' or ' i love the king'.
There is a photo of the Koh Samui airport, very strange!! The airport is just like a little shack out in the open, no walls and one very agricultural conveyor belt.

Vientiane, Capital City of Laos

Vientiane is the capital city of Laos. I travelled with my four Danish friends via kayak from Vang Viang to Vientiane. This was a different way of travelling as opposed to planes, trains & automobiles. When we arrived at Vientiane we decided to go to the Beer Lao factory for a tour.
When we arrived at the factory we had just missed the last tour by 10 minutes..I must admit I was a bit gutted as we had negotiated such a good price with our tuk tuk driver. Beer Lao is 50% owned by Carlsberg which is a Danish company. I was looking down the hallway and saw this european looking man in the VIP room...I said to Conny that she should stand next to the hallway and start talking danish & say how disappointed she was that we had just missed the tour...I must admit that sometimes I am a genius. He overheard us, him being the CEO and told the staff to take his fellow countryman on a tour.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Vang Viang, Laos

Vang Viang is located in northern Laos. The whole purpose of going to this township was to relax & float leisurely down the river in a tyre tube whilst being slightly intoxicated. Almost every traveller I have met has raved on about being in Vang Viang. Now that i have experienced it, I can appreciate what all of the fuss was was awesome.
First things, first, get over the murky water!!!! Then you will have the time of your life. The cool thing about travelling though Laos was when I first entered the country via slow boat there was about 15 or so people on the boat with me and we all just clicked, we stayed together for about 1 week. This was the first time whilst i have been travelling that such a large group of people got along and worked together as a team.

photos - scooter being transported on top of a bus / the gang / me jumping off one of the platforms down the river / the country side / huge butterfly /no sewing kit / main street / barber shop ( hahaha ) / kayaking to Vientienne ( Capital City ) /

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Luang Prabang, Kwang Xi Waterfall

The gang, which consists of 15 people negotiated a good price to the waterfalls..1 dollar there 1 dollar back for an hours drive out of Luang Prabang. On the park grounds they have a refuge for black bears & one lonely tiger. Had another excellent day!

Luang Prabang

Once we all arrived at Luang Prabang it was time to cut loose, that means dreads also. Dave decided he had had enough of his dreads. So I volunteered to cut the first one to ensure he wouldn't change his mind. So we had a few drinks, had pizza and went to the local disco. If Ed ( NZer ) wasn't there I don't think any of us would have had the courage to get up and dance. This was a really weird night. I felt like i was in the twilight zone...zombies all round..Lao dancing is something to be seen..very strange..!!!

Pak Tha_ First overnight stay in Laos

We travelled into Laos down the Mekong on this slow boat. The village we stayed in was tiny & the people here were so friendly. I was offered so many drugs in this little village that I started to get a complex...( do I look like a druggie ? ) Some random Lao guy, maybe the mafia, offered me a ride on the back of his motorbike which I kindly you do...I have fully comprehensive world wide insurance..thank god because I thought we were going to cleanup a few times going around some corners..but hey, i live to tell the tale. Oh yeah, there is also a picture of snake wine ( with a sting )..i must confess that I haven't tried it YET! Apparently it is very potent!

Crossing the Mekong River from Thailand to Laos

Matt & Jenny about to board the boat to cross the Mekong River. We are standing in Thailand, other side of the river is Laos.