Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Outback QLD & NT

The outback never really changes...red dust, heat, road kill & expensive petrol.
Well, 4,000klms later we have arrived in Darwin. We have been on the road now for 3 weeks and have seen quite alot of things. Scott has been getting me out on the mountain bike quite regularly and so far my longest ride has been 36 klms. We rode from our campsite at Gungurul to Maguk ( Barramundi Gorge ) in Kakadu. The road was heavily corrugated and I even had to carry my bike over some rocks. The things that is most amazing about Kakadu is you drive along these dusty roads that seem to go nowhere and then all of a sudden you end up at the most spectacular waterfalls and gorges. You do have to be cautious about which ones you swim in of course due to the big crocodiles they have in this part of the world. I haven't seen any yet in the wild but that doesnt mean there not here. Actung Baby!!

Here are more photos of outback.

Warragul Park, south of Mt Isa - aboriginal rock art ( right hand side, really faint ) /Devils Marbles, NT / Daly Waters Hotel / John McDouall Stuart ( his tree ) / Mataranka Springs / Pine Creek Dam / Kakadu National Park - Maguk ( Barramundi Gorge ) /Kakadu National Park - Gunlom Gorge / Scott next to 12ft termite mounds

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