Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Travelling to Chiang Mai

I had a few problems ( adventures ) trying to get to Chiang Mai. I caught an overnight train from Bangkok but unfortunately it stop around 03:00am due to a storm in the north. I was stranded on this train for 12 hours in a little town called Banko. There was a river alittle north from where the train had stopped which had broken its banks. The flood water started to rise very fast and once the water started to come up through the floor of the train was when the authorities decided to evacuate us. Evacuating from the train wasn't easy, we had to wade thru shoulder deep contaminated ( raw sewage ) water over 4 sets of railway tracks to the trucks. I don't like the feeling of walking through water and not knowing is under your feet.. We were driven about 2 klms to the nearest town which was completely under water also. There was no transport operating so around 30 tourists jumped in the back of a dumpster and we got dropped off at the highway to try and hitch a ride on the next buses passing thru. I mananged to push my way onto the first bus that came past. This is one good thing about travelling by yourself I don't have to worry about other people...so I have been travelling over 24hrs now and I am completely wet, my clothes are this lovely brown colour and I am having to sit for 4 hours on a bus..oh yeah I also needed to go to the toilet. When we were 29klms south from Chiang Mai the bus brokedown...I could only laugh because I seriously too tired to cry. Lucky the bus did start again after all of the men push started the vehicle...I finally made it in Chiang Mai at 21:30 but I couldn't go to sleep because I really needed a rum & coke to calm me down..I had such a cool adventure...!!!

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